Interview: The Boys on the Street.

Last night at the midnight launch, we decided to interview two mates - Dave and Nick - on their thoughts on the GameCube. So, here's what the people on the street think about our purple god!

To pass some time, we decided to try our hand at a few interviews with the EB Staff. They didn't go to well, so we reverted to the people's voice! Sitting at some stools were two 20 or so year old mates. Dave was their to pick up his Cube, and his mate Nick (a PS2 fan) was their to grab his copy of FFX... and, of course, mooch a bitta GameCube out of Dave.

So we decided to interview them, and here's the result - What the boys on the street have to say!

Jim: Could we start with your names guys?

Nick: Nick
Dave: Dave

Jim: Here to get a GameCube obviously?

Nick: Ahh, I'm not, just here to give Dave some moral support.
Dave: Yeah definitely, we've been waiting for a while.

Jim: So how long have you had your pre-order for?

Dave: Probably about 6 months.

Jim: Struth!? I thought I was hardcore, but I'm not. Ummm, Well I'm Jim from Cube-Europe, you guys ever been there?

Dave: Yeah actually I was trying to suss out some GameCube sites over the last few days, and came across Cube-Europe.

Jim: And what did u think of it?

Dave: Well, ummm, I can't actually remember it so�

Jim: I think u mean it's pretty good. (laughs). Sooo, what are you here for Nick?

Nick: I wanna play his GameCube. He plays my PS2, but I'll be getting one (GameCube) eventually when� errr� he doesn't have one anymore or something like that. But I just wanna mooch off him for a while.

Jim: Oh right. So what games you picking up tonight?

Dave: I picked Wave Race in the pack, but I think I'll pick up Rogue as well.

Hodge: Alright, it's back with Michael (Hodge) and I've got some questions for the fellas. Nick, I know you're a PlayStation fan. Can you tell me why on earth you'd but a PS2 over a GameCube!?

Nick: I didn't buy it over a GameCube, it was more of a case of I got the PS2, he got the GameCube. The fact is, I like the PS2 and the GameCube games, but he doesn't like the PS2 games. He sucks at fighting games and so forth (cops a stare from Dave)

Hodge: What do you think about the size of the Xbox?

Dave: The comparison between Xbox and GameCube, it's the same as American Cars and Japanese Cars. American cars are really big, they have far too much grunt for what they need. While Japanese cars are small, compact, fast and what you're looking for.

Hodge: How do you feel about the hard drive in the Xbox? You're just buying a computer?

Dave: Yeah, well that's the first thing that turned me off it. Basically, it's my computer in a box, so there's no real point in me buying it, especially when it has no games I want to play. A lot of people are saying "You can put your Mp3's on there". But, I mean I got a decent stereo on my computer that'll do the same thing, so I'm not really worried about it.

Jim: Ok, we're back with Jim now. Are you guys excited about the prospects of GameCube?

Dave: Yeah, I'm really looking forward to a lot of the second release games.
Nick: *in a kiddie voice* let's all go get Zelda. Yay!
Dave: Naa, I was a bit disappointed with Zelda�
Nick: Oh piss off�
(laughs all round)

Jim: So are you excited about SSB Melee?

Dave: Yeah! Well, we were originally told it was going to be a release game, and that was the one we were looking out for. But no, we'll wait for it, and as soon as it comes out we'll grab it.

Jim: What other games are you guys looking forward to ever the next 6 months?

Nick: Mario Sunshine
Dave: Yeah, Mario Sunshine. I'll give Zelda a go. Resident evil, I'm really looking forward to the remakes of that, definitely.
Nick: Metroid Prime.

Jim: Eternal Darkness?

Dave: Yeah, Eternall Darkness looks really good.
Nick: Star Fox looks pretty good in the videos.

Jim: I'll ask the Playstation fan first. What do you think about the GameCube controller compared to the other consoles?

Nick: I was playing Wave Race with it before, it feels like an extension of my hand. I like it as much as the Playstation one. The Xbox one gave me hand cramps after a few minutes of playing. Just too big�
Dave: Yeah, well I got used to the Playstation the past couple of months playing on Nicks PS2, but yeah, there's something about the GameCube controller, it just feels right.

Jim: Absolutely. So Nick, were you at all disappointed when you saw that the Playstation 2 controller wasn't changing?

Nick: Umm� I didn't have a PS1, so� no.

(laughs all round)

Jim: Alright then. Thanks for your time boys, been a great help.

Dave: No, not a problem, thanks.
Nick: No worries

Jim: Classic stuff there from Dave and Nick, ta boys.

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