Interview: Worms Blast
Posted 08 Mar 2002 at 15:59 by Tim Symons
While Darth Vegeta is in Paris on a long deserved vacation, Nintendo Dream had the chance to interviewed Martyn Brown (Creative Director) of Team 17, about their current and future plans for GameCube and GameBoy Advance.
Interview was conducted by: Nintendo Dream
NDREAM: Lets get started by sharing with us, what your job is at Team 17.
Martyn-Team17: I'm Martyn Brown and I'm the Creative Director. I'm responsible for steering and directing the games under development.
NDREAM: Can you tell us a brief history Team 17?
Martyn-Team17:We were formed in late 1990 when a group of highly motivated, talented Amiga enthusiasts thought they could take on the World. Our first few releases met with critical acclaim and retail success and the rest, they say is history. Around the mid-90's we moved into Console and PC territory, developing and publishing Worms around the same time. The importance of Brands and Franchises took hold in the late 90’s, which saw us pretty much dedicate a lot of our time to the Worms cause. We're now working on all next-gen platforms, taking Worms to new levels, as well as designing some really cool
new stuff which we'll tell you about one day.
NDREAM: Worm's series are very popular, however the series came to an end at the release of Worms Armageddon, does team 17 have any plan's at porting or upgrading the series to next gen (gamecube, gba, xbox, psx2) consoles? Was it hard to put the series down after so much work?
Martyn-Team17:To be honest we haven't really let go of it since 1994! The 2D series is currently coming to GBA (it looks terrific) and we're currently working on Worms3D for the next generation consoles which really takes the game to a new level.
NDREAM: Other title's Team 17 have produced include Stunt gp DreamCast, pc Alien Breed Series pc/amiga Full contact amiga
Is there plan's on any of these game's being upgraded for a next gen
Martyn-Team17:We've got an all-new Alien Breed game designed for next-gen but we just haven't had the opportunity to develop it as yet, it's a title we're keen to see back in the limelight.
NDREAM: Can you share with us any information of games that the team is currently working on?
Martyn-Team17:We're currently working on WormsBlast for GC and GBA, this should be finished shortly and is an action packed brainteaser, combining Worms action and cerebral exercise! We're also working on Worms3D, which is going to be the next stage in the original Worms series. There's also another title in development, news of this will come soon.

Above is a screen from Worms World Party for the gba.
NDREAM: What does Team 17 think of the gamecube and gba, do they meet team's expectations? Is the team pleased with it's simplicity?
Martyn-Team17:We like both machines a lot, although it's a shame about the lack of a backlight on the GBA. The GC is a great piece of kit.
NDREAM: Worms Armageddon (n64) received very good rating's from the press, some even going as far as saying it's the best multiplayer game for the console, was the team happy with it's results?
Martyn-Team17:The version was developed out of house (Infogrames France) and we were quite happy with it, although we'd have maybe modified some of the controls and stuff. But yeah, it played well.
NDREAM: Worms Armageddon (n64, gbc) is a very blotted version of worms it featured so many new weapons, improved graphics and enhanced game play. Did Team 17 leave anything out, (features, weapons, ect) because of time constraints or cartridge size?
Martyn-Team17:Actually I don't think too much was missing at all, it was a pretty comprehensive version!
NDREAM: Will team 17 be doing games based other genres maybe new ones in the future, besides turn based strategy and racing?
Martyn-Team17:It's a possibility, we're always looking to be able to do something that's fresh and exciting, but we're pretty much tied to what publishers request and what the market demands.
Special thanks, to Martyn Brown for the interview. We would also like to thank Team 17 for all there hard work put in to all their games.