Iwata Asks about Wii U

Nintendo has issued a brand new Iwata Asks in which the Nintendo president goes face-to-face with some of the leading hardware designers of the Wii U.

In the illuminating interview, Iwata uncovers the general design philosophies of the Wii U, which includes a long-running desire to make Nintendo's consoles as power-efficient as possible. Much time is spent discussing the efforts to reduce the amount of heat sources in the system, with an insight into how the Wii U's fan and heat sink compare to its predecessor.

There was also praise for the outside employees of companies like IBM, who were credited with being already familiar with the technology Nintendo aims to create.

Genyo Takeda (Senior Managing Director, Nintendo R&D): "I think that's the magic of game-console development. We carry out development together with other partner companies, but rather than having IBM employees and AMD employees and Renesas employees, we joined into what might be called "Team Nintendo". That happened because, it seems like they can talk to their families like their children, grandchildren and spouses about what they have made. In that respect, one of the good points of game-console development is how the participants' motivation inspired the team as a whole."

The whole interview is well worth reading, especially for those more interested in the tech-side of Nintendo's philosophy. You can read the whole thing here.

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