Letterbox App Updated With Coloured Pens

Posted 05 Jul 2012 at 13:26 by Franklin Ó hAodha
Have you been sending messages to your friends from your 3DS using the free Letterbox Application from Nintendo? Have you ever wondered, "Hey I wish I could have another colour of ink to write in other than black". Well wish no more because today it has been granted as Letterbox has been updated with 5 new ink colours - Green, Red, Blue, Purple and Orange.
The downside however is you can only use one colour per message so it is still limited, but it is a start and hopefully a sign that Nintendo will create and provide more updates in the future to improve on the Letterbox app.
To download the update simply open up the eShop and if you already have Letterbox installed the eShop will notify you that there is an update available and allow you to download it.
When you have the update and wish to change to a different colour of ink simply press left or right on the D-pad to cycle through the inks while writing a letter.
If for whatever reason you have not yet installed Letterbox and would like to; simply scan the QR below with your 3DS camera and you'll be taken directly to the eShop's Letterbox shelf.
To scan open your 3DS camera by pressing and holding either L or R at the Home Menu. When the camera is on press the checkered button on the bottom left of the touch screen and then scan the QR code above.