Limited Run Games announces eight new physical Switch games

Posted 11 Jun 2018 at 23:51 by Sam C Gittins
Earlier today Limited Run Games hosted their own press conference where they unveiled a number of physical Nintendo Switch titles which will be releasing at various times throughout the year.
Here is the full list (or check the banner above) plus the video of the conference for anyone interested in viewing it...
- Golf Story
- Layers of Fear
- Thumper
- Oceanhorn
- Cosmic Star Heroine
- Night Trap
- Dust An Elysian Tale
- Yooka-Laylee
As someone who prefers owning physical games, going against the tide of digital releases, I welcome these additions to the physical Switch library and you can look forward to seeing a future feature on Limited Run Games when some of the titles eventually release.
Do you enjoy collecting physical Switch games? Does the news of Yooka-Laylee finally getting a physical release make you want to purchase it? Or are you content with an all digital future? Let us know in the comments section and we hope you enjoy the rest of E3 2018 as the best is surely still to come with Nintendo's press conference due to go live at 5PM BST tomorrow.