Mario Day: Launch Report
Posted 04 Oct 2002 at 12:11 by Tim Symons
Like we did at the European GameCube launch, today we visited some gamestores and asked a few people some questions. We did this in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Yep, that is where we are based!
The first store we went into was E-Plaza, located in the centre of Rotterdam. Immediately after we entered the store we were overwhelmed by all the Sunshine. As you can see below the store did not want people to miss the Sunshine launch.

See it shining!
You might recognise the guy we took a picture of below. He was also working there during the GameCube launch 6 monhts ago (GC Launch Report). Today he was very pleased to see us again because he could proudly say that he had already sold 15 copies of Super Mario Sunshine, and he was sure he would sell at least another 30 today! That is a pretty big thing since they are based right next to the Mediamarkt.

Wow, that is quite an amount of Mario games he has there...

There he is! Look at him smile :)
There were also some gamers who were buying the game right there and then! See how happy they are on the picture below.

Ching Ching! And another one sold...
I already mentioned E-Plaza is based next to the Mediamarkt in Rotterdam. For people who do not know the Mediamarkt, it is an electronic store which is known for its prize stunts! And they did not disappoint us, the game is 10 euro cheaper than average over there. And look at the pile they have:

The Mediamarkt also already sold quite a few copies of Mario. They expect to at least sell a big pile still today!
For those of you who have not purchased the game yet, go and run! Run Forest!!
We'd like to thank all gamers who we talked to, and also E-Plaza for their co operation.
Good luck everyone playing Super Mario Sunshine!