Mario Kart Arcade GP DX to release in Japan later this year

Posted 07 Feb 2013 at 14:35 by Joshua Phillips
Mario Kart Arcade GP DX was recently revealed by Namco Bandai and is set to release in Japan later this year. This is the third in the series, with the previous two releasing over the course of the last 10 years and made exclusively by Namco.
The first two arcade cabinets made their way to Europe and featured the usual kart action you'll be accustomed to but all of them boast exclusive tracks, along with exclusive Namco characters such as Pac-Man.
So what does this latest instalment boast? Quite a lot actually. The camera trickery will be making a return, so people can see your grinning face as you glide past them, as well as the usual addition of new tracks.
Special features this time include dual kart play, much like Mario Kart: Double Dash as well as underwater and gliding sections taken straight from the 3DS title.
The Namco exclusive characters have had bit of a shake up, so instead of the usual Pac-Man bunch, Arcade GP DX will include Don-chan, the cheeky Taiko Drum from the incredibly popular series on Wii, Taiko no Tatsujin, a game that inspired the creation of Donkey Konga.
No European release has been announced yet, but considering the last two were released over here and enjoyed relative success, keep your fingers crossed.