Media: Blisteringly FAST Screenshots

Posted 17 Apr 2011 at 19:26 by Aaron Clegg
We still don't have F-Zero, but Shin'en's WiiWare racer might just do the trick...
While Shin'en have thus far quietly excelled on WiiWare with such critically acclaimed hits as Art of Balance and Jett Rocket, perhaps their next title will be the one to hit a chord with the Nintendo hardcore. FAST - Racing League is frantic racer that looks remarkably comparable to Nintendo's own F-Zero franchise. It'll sport "tons of unlockables", over 20 racing missions and 4-player local multiplayer.
We've got a bunch of snazzy new screenshots of the game.

Shin'en promises that the game will run at a solid 60 frames-per-second in both 4:3 and 16:9 widescreen.
Nintendo's official release schedule pens FAST down for a European launch this May.