Media: Blue Dragon Plus Trailer

Posted 09 Sep 2008 at 14:12 by Aaron Clegg
As if to prove that N-E hasn't forgotten about our beloved, dedicated RPG crowd, we've got a lovely new trailer for Mistwalker's portable fantasy quest, Blue Dragon Plus.
The first Blue Dragon was released to a mild response on Xbox 360 around a year ago, and it signalled a return to the fray for Father of Final Fantasy, Hironobu Sakaguchi. It was then to the delight of DS owners everywhere that a portable spin-off of the game, coined Blue Dragon Plus, was announced for the unstoppable handheld. You can have a little peek at the gorgeous CGI opening movie below:
Blue Dragon Plus is already available on Japanese shelves for the import-inspired gamers amongst us. But let's not give up hope on a western release...