Media: Bravely Default Trailer & New Information

A new trailer to watch and information about the game's battle system, scenario and an explanation of the name.

Last week's Nintendo conference saw a glut of new games announced for the 3DS, one of which was Square Enix's brand new RPG Bravely Default: Flying Fairy. The company, famous for RPG games such as Final Fantasy, promised a brand new RPG but with a classic feel. Some new information about the game has emerged that sheds some light on the game's core mechanics.

The title's name may be a bit unusual but the fact the subtitle, Flying Fantasy, can be shortened to 'FF', a common shortening of Final Fantasy, is just a coincidence according to Tomoya Asano. The name actually derives from the fairy that accompanies one of the four main characters, the woman seen in this artwork.

Andriasang also report that Bravely Default: Flying Fairy will feature random turn-based battles that mixes jobs and abilities, akin to Final Fantasy V. The names of staff working on Bravely Default: Flying Fairy were not revealed but Mr. Asano did claim that they are "interesting people" who had not previously worked on Final Fantasy games.

Two videos from last week's conference have also been uploaded to the Internet by Square Enix. The first of the new videos is the trailer that was shown at the Tokyo Games Show last week while the other is the introductory video, also shown at last week's event. The latter video features a lot of talking at the start, all in Japanese, so if you're not familiar with the language skip to 3:15 for some artwork, footage and clips of people actually playing the game.

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