Media: ColorZ (WiiWare) - Trailer, First Screens

Posted 28 Apr 2009 at 17:39 by Nathan Whincup
When microbes threaten the universe, it's time to crack open the Dettol and dish out some puzzly intergalactic justice.
We normally make a point of avoiding gaming products ending in 'z' like the bubonic plague, though Exkee's ColorZ for WiiWare does indeed look worthy of our time.
The premise is fairly simple; each level has been infected with a host of coloured microbes. Controlling a fleet of UFOs, you must change their colour to match up with your icky adversaries, then fly into them to kill them.
The new trailer, embedded below for your viewing pleasure, details ColorZ's unique gameplay and touches on a few more intriguing additions, such as the inclusion of a co-op puzzle mode.

Click the pictures to see them in glorious, retina-burning, high quality.
You can expect to see ColorZ hitting the Wii Shop Channel in Europe between now and June.