Media: Cosmos X2 Screens

Posted 15 Sep 2011 at 18:17 by Aaron Clegg
Check out some retrotastic screens of Saturnine Games' just-released DSiWare shoot 'em up...
Launched today on the European DSiWare service Saturnine Games' Cosmos X2 promises to be a shooter with a difference. Allowing gamers to use two different weapons and alter between them for strategic purposes Cosmos X2 is a unique concept on the DSiWare service.
The game features three different weapons that you can choose from; the wide-ranging Repulsion Alignment, the homing missile Attraction Alignment and the all-powerful and destructive Power Alignment. However, players must carefully switch between these to progress in the game.
The title is available as of today in Europe and costs 200 Points or �2 if you're purchasing it through the eShop. Screenshots can be found in the game's gallery.