Media: de Blob 2 Preview

Posted 11 Nov 2010 at 21:12 by Ashley Jones
Nick Hagger from Blue Tongue speaks to GameSpot about the upcoming de Blob: 2.
Earlier today we gave you a look at the new trailer but now we provide you with a chance to find out more about exactly what to expect from de Blob: 2, which seems to have replaced the previous title de Blob: Underground.
Nick Hagger speaks to GameSpot about the upcoming sequel. While the footage is from the 360 version the discussion does include the Wii, DSi and 3DS (more details due next year) versions all due to come out next year.
Gone is the polarising 'flick to jump' control and this topic gets a fair amount of discussion time. Mr. Hagger does state that it is still in the code at the moment so they may include it but feels that gamers will be "missing out" if they use it. That has to be one of the few times removing something is credited as adding something to an experience. Curiously in spite of moving away from motion gameplay with the Wii Remote the title will include PlayStation Move support.
One of the other big changes to the title is the 2D sections, the titular 'underground' sections. These will replace the 'shake to colour' big buildings of the first title as well as being used in various other parts of the game. Blue Tongue are hoping to release a vinyl, CD and iTunes version of the soundtrack as well for fans of the game's music.
Pinky, the new 2nd player-controlled character, is also described as a character that "negotiates the tricky aspects". Primarily designed for younger gamers she helps to defeat enemies, change colours and provide hints when gamers are stuck.
Mr. Hagger states that Blue Tongue will offer a "completely different take" on multiplayer and offer gamers the chance to "play together as blobs". Many people were disappointed with the original's multiplayer section and it seems they are working hard on changing this.
de Blob: Underground is to be rendered in 3D but they promise that they are working hard on making sure it doesn't cause headaches. However, while Mr. Hagger stated the 3D version will be available on PS3 and Xbox 360 he made no mention of the Wii.
Finally Mr. Hagger stated that the game is due out at the end of February 2011, although with a previous date of March 2011 set it is likely that he is referring to America here. You can view the game's official website and view the full video can be found below.