Media: Dead Space Extraction Screens

Posted 25 Apr 2009 at 08:21 by Aaron Clegg
We've extracted some lovely new screens for EA's 'guided first person experience'...
As admirers of EA's 'next-gen' survival horror game Dead Space, we at N-Europe were ecstatic when it was revelead the franchise will be expanding onto Wii. While it was a little surprising to learn that Dead Space Extraction would be deviating into the on-rails, first person genre, there's no denying that EA Redwood are making the Wii title the best it can be.
Set directly before the events of Dead Space, Extraction offers players a deeper look into the back-story of the series, and introduces some brand new characters, weapons and gameplay mechanics, as well as throwing in some of the tried and tested dismemberment to keep the gore levels high.

Some weapons have their own secondary-fire mode, such as this shockingly devestating alien-smiter.

Click here to check out the full batch of shots in the gallery (6 new)
Dead Space Extraction will be ready for action exclusively on Wii this Autumn.