Media: Dragon Quest Monsters 3D Trailer

Terry's Wonderland 3D is looking pretty fine for a Game Boy Colour remake...

Sticking with the distinctly Japanese theme today (continued with the Media Create charts later) we can bring you a new trailer for another 3DS game that's bound to make bank in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland 3D was announced last autumn and is a full remake of the very first Monsters game from 1998. Unlike the mothership Dragon Quest games, Monsters sees you recruit, well, monsters into your party to create a little cluster of kick-ass, not unlike Pokémon.

Check out how the game's shaping up below.

Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland 3D is due out in Japan at the end of May. No word on a western release yet, though we did lucky with the Monsters: Joker games for DS, so fingers crossed.

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