Media: Dream Trigger 3D GDC Trailer

Posted 02 Mar 2011 at 07:22 by Ashley Jones
A trailer for the "mind blowing" Dream Trigger 3D has been released.
D3Publisher's recently announced Dream Trigger 3D is on show at the Game Developers Conference in America and a trailer has been released so that those who aren't present can still see what the game looks like.
The title is a surreal shooting game that features over 50 levels to fly through during which you are attacked by invisible enemies. In order to identify them you must send out sonar pings, using either the touch screen or A button, after which they will appear.
While Dream Trigger 3D is optimised to be viewed in 3D Nintendo has stipulated that all games must be enjoyable in 2D as well so D3Publisher has implemented a number of approaches to ensure they meet this requirement. For example, while power ups are usually made visible within the 3D space as you fly through the level, when played in 2D they simply light up when you can pick them up.