Media: Fast Food Panic Trailer

Posted 20 Sep 2009 at 20:50 by Tom Phillips
Your favourite menial fast food burger-flipping job is now a videogame! Well, at least you'll be well practised...
Have ideas for videogames got so low there's now a videogame version of even the most menial of minimum wage jobs? Fast Food Panic sees you enjoying all the fun of making fast food from the comfort of your own living room - where the only washing up, greasy food and angry customers you'll have to deal with will be on your TV.
Of course, you won't be paid for doing it, but if scrubbing virtual dishes, mopping up virtual floors, making virtual meals and keeping virtual customers happy is your thing, this is the game for you. Either way, watching the trailer makes us feel strangely hungry:
Look out for more on Fast Food Panic soon...