Media: FF: Crystal Bearers Images

Check out the latest grabs from Wii's biggest forthcoming RPG...

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers is finally starting to come out of its shell. Currently at a 60% completion level, we now know of some gameplay features the game will offer players. One of Crystal Bearers' main draws is that Square Enix has created a wide-spanning, living breathing world that players can journey through uninterrupted by random, turn-based battles. Crystal Bearers is less about tedious grinding, more about sublime, epic adventuring.

Going from the latest screens, it also boasts some gorgeous in-game cinematics too.

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Eager RPG fans will have no doubt been keeping up with the official site of Crystal Bearers over the past couple of weeks, which has steadily updated with a slew of short teaser videos. You can check them all out here.

Crystal Bearers is due out in Japan in the back half of this year.

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