Media: First PokéPark Wii Footage

Posted 18 Oct 2009 at 14:05 by Aaron Clegg
Come inside to check out the first footage of what looks to be the most varied Pokémon spin-off to date...
Announced earlier this week, PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Big Adventure has made its television debut. Today's episode of quirky Japanese show Pokémon Sunday showcased the first footage of the action game in... erm... action.
PokéPark Wii fuses battling, racing and exploring elements into a varied, light-hearted package starring everybody's favourite electric mouse. The game also features a photo-taking mode reminiscent of Pokémon Snap.
We don't expect to hear anything about a western release in the near future, but the game hits Japan on December 5th.