Media: Ghost Recon Shadow Wars Dev Walkthrough

Posted 22 Mar 2011 at 11:56 by Aaron Clegg
From the creator of X-Com comes some 3D strategy lovin' for the launch of Nintendo's new portable...
Lurking behind futuristic camouflage for the past few months has been Ubisoft's Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars. As a 3DS launch title, it has two possibly rare qualities in that it is completely original AND increasingly decent-looking.
Produced by Julian Gollop, most notable for the rather excellent 90's franchise X-COM, Shadow Wars takes the explosive Ghost Recon style and makes a turn-based strategy affair of it.
Nintendo have yet to confirm an Advance Wars game for 3DS, but as Mr Gollop shows in its latest promotional video, Shadow Wars is perhaps the closest thing we'll get at the moment.
Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars is due to launch alongside the 3DS this Friday.