Media: Go! Go! Kokopolo Concept Art

Posted 06 Nov 2008 at 17:33 by Nathan Whincup
Tanukii Studios' Keith Webb has provided us with some gorgeous new concept art and boxart for Go! Go! Kokopolo on the DS.
The past couple of issues of NGamer have featured intruiging insights into the development of a new DS game, namely Go! Go! Kokopolo on the DS. Its creator, Keith Webb, has previously worked as a concept artist on Super Monkey Ball Adventure on the GameCube, Crash Bandicoot and the recent The Simpsons game, among others.
Playing as the titular vicious wildcat, who isn't too pleased after being accidentally awoken from a deep slumber, you must enact bleary-eyed revenge on any poor sap who so much as breathes at you by gashing them with your claws. Unfortunately, your victims don't take too kindly to grievous bodily harm at the hands of a cat, and suddenly become incredibly aggressive and give chase to you. The objective of the game is to provoke as many creatures as you can without getting hunted down yourself.
So... what's new pussycat? [Words fail me. - Ed] Keith Webb kindly contacted N-Europe today with a few extra details, some concept art and a mock-up of the boxart for our perusal. First comes the announcement that Keith's development team Tanukii Studios is working on Go! Go! Kokopolo, with all the sprites and concept art provided by the talented Mr. Webb. Next, the visual goodies.

Kokopolo, surrounded by a horde of disgruntled innocents he slashed in one of his rampages. Click here to view the concept art in lovely high resolution.
The boxart can be viewed in the sidebar for Go! Go! Kokopolo on the right. Go! Go! Kokopolo will most likely be released in 2009 for the DS.