Media: Interview About Zelda's Future & Timeline

Posted 28 Jul 2011 at 11:38 by Ashley Jones
Bill Trinen explains the process of localisation for a Zelda title, the series' timeline and some morsels of information about Skyward Sword.
It is certainly shaping up to be a good year for Zelda fans. As the beloved series celebrates 25 years Nintendo has pulled out all the stops to mark the occasion, releasing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D last month, Four Swords for free on the eShop later this year, a series of symphonies and The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword for the Wii at the end of this year. During last week's San Diego Comic Con GameTrailers spoke with Nintendo's Bill Trinen about the franchise.
The interview spans three videos, which can all be found below, and cover Zelda's past, present and future. Fans have debated about the series' timeline for many years and Bill Trinen confirms that Nintendo does have one but they keep it under wraps, which is something Dan Owsen, a former translator for the series, stated himself back in May. Apparently the document contains details for the whole series and overall plans but Nintendo fears if its made public it may limit them in the future.
Mr. Trinen also speaks a lot about The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Much of what he talks about has already been revealed although he did note that there are a lot of new races in Skyward Sword, many of which we are yet to see. Link once again has a female guide but it is not the sword he carries but rather a spirit within the sword. Mr. Trinen describes Skyward Sword as "tremendously expansive" with more puzzles and exploration than ever before. Bill Trinen claims there is nothing else like it as far as motion control goes and anyone wanting more information about the gold Remote Plus shown at E3 will have to wait as details will be announced later on.