Media: Just Dance Kids 2 Trailer

Posted 22 Aug 2011 at 22:55 by Joshua Phillips
Ubisoft unleash a trailer for the hotly anticipated sequel to the kids version of Just Dance, Just Dance Kids 2!
Ubisoft announced today that Just Dance Kids 2 will be hitting North America on October 25th 2011. This sequel to the popular children's version of Just Dance features the same game-play seen in its older brother but with songs more suited towards the younger gamer.
Ubisoft have revealed that this is the first time the Just Dance Kids series will release on all 3 motion platforms and have confirmed that each version of the game will feature an exclusive mode. As well as this, there will be a new feature on all versions which will allow you to play continuously for a set amount of time.
"The Wii version of Just Dance Kids 2 features a brand-new multiplayer mode called Balloon Pop, which lets kids shake their Wii Remote� controllers to earn more points and have more fun while dancing. All three platforms feature a brand-new game feature called Nonstop Shuffle, where players can play the game for designated periods of time of 15, 30, 60 or 120 minutes without having to push any buttons or navigate through menus for non-stop play."
Just Dance Kids 2 is set to feature more than 40 new songs including "Whip My Hair" and "Just The Way You Are". As well as chart hits, the game will also feature remixed versions of classic kids songs such as "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" whilst also featuring a number of popular songs from kids TV shows and movies.
Will you be excitedly ringing your friend this fall when your mother has surprised you with this wonderful gift? Let us know in the comments section below.