Media: Kirby's Epic Yarn Commercial

Posted 12 Oct 2010 at 09:59 by Aaron Clegg
Head inside to build up your rage at NoE for omitting this game from our 2010 roster...
Kirby's Epic Yarn releases in North America and Japan this week. Europe will not receive the game until next year.
While we leave you with that, North American gamers have received a brief commercial highlighting the pink puff-balls versatility in his new-found thread-form. The game will see the diminutive hero transform into a tank, UFO, fire-engine and plenty more.
Fun bit of trivia now. Kirby's Epic Yarn was originally not designed by Good-Feel as a Kirby title, but as totally new IP. Nintendo suggested the change mid-way through 2009, reportedly due to the developer finding difficulty in achieving an overall vision for the game.
We'll bring you more on Kirby's Epic Yarn on the long road to European release.