Media: Let's Tap!

Want to know what games Sonic's creator Yuji Naka is working on? You won't guess, so head inside for screens and a trailer!

Earlier today in Japan, Nintendo showed Let's Tap in their lineup video, the first game from Yuji Naka's development studio Prope. Formerly hinted as a game that "even penguins could play", Let's Tap begins to take form with some screens and a video with an explanation on how the game is controlled.

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Run little men!

Apparently the game is composed of several mini games which are controlled (and here's the kicker) by lying the Wii remote face down on a surface and tap on it. Bet you didn't see that coming! One can assume that the controller will pick up the vibrations and the game will respond accordingly, but it's easier to see it in motion.

The game is at the very least original! Meanwhile you can check out the official Japanese website and see the rest of the screens. Let's Tap!

Click for Screens (5 New)

Also from Prope comes a WiiWare title called Let's Catch with little info other that it will cost 1000 points and it will come out in Japan next December. You can also see the Japanese website for Let's Catch. N-Europe will keep you informed on both games, so stay alert.

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