Little King's Story

Media: Little King's Story Interview, Trailers

Rising Star Games discuss the ins and outs of Little King's Story for the Wii in a new video interview.

Ever wondered what it would be like to rule your own country? Doctor Doom's been at it for years, but it's a bit more difficult for those of us without magical gauntlets and a metal face.

Little King's Story allows you to take control of the titular king, who in turn commands and controls a gang of loyal subjects. Following you much like a rabble of Pikmin, they will help you to overcome obstacles, fight off monsters and make your kingdom an all-round nice place to live in.

Rising Star Games have released a video interview in which Tyrone Walcott from Rising Star guides us through the basics of the game, and delves into a little development history too. Not only that, but Rising Star have released a couple of 'Mini Adventures', showing you even more things you can do in the game. All three videos can be seen below.

Contrary to what dear Tyrone told us in the video interview, Rising Star have pointed out that Little King's Story will be released in Europe on April 24th.

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