Media: Live Action Dead or Alive Dimensions Traile

Posted 13 May 2011 at 06:00 by Ashley Jones
Nintendo of Europe has released a live action trailer to promote the upcoming Dead or Alive Dimensions.
In Europe Nintendo will handle the marketing and distribution aspects of Dead or Alive Dimensions, the latest instalment in the beloved fighting franchise. A new trailer has just been released by Nintendo of Europe that advertises the game using live action fighters, which can be seen below.
IGN recently spoke to the team behind Dead or Alive: Dimensions about the development of the title and what fans can expect when it is released worldwide at the end of this month.
The team comment on how they are trying to make Dead or Alive: Dimensions accessible to both gamers who have played one of the titles before and those who have not. They also explained why a Metroid stage is featured in the game but not Samus Aran herself.
One thing about Samus as a playable character -- for DOAD our aim was to have a compilation of DOA characters so we purposely left out any new or guest characters in the game. Samus is a lone bounty hunter and protector of the galaxy so we thought it would be better to let her focus on her job rather than kicking everyone's butt in DOAD.
The interview also discusses the team's feelings about 3D, what problems arose during development and what surprises fans can expect.