Media: Mario Sports Mix Videos

Posted 29 Nov 2010 at 12:37 by Ashley Jones
Mario Sports Mix was released last week and now numerous videos have surfaced online.
Even though Mario Sports Mix was shown off at E3 it has been overshadowed behind other games such as Donkey Kong Country Returns, Goldeneye 007 and Kirby's Epic Yarn. The title was released last week in Japan however and numerous videos have been posted online.
The Mario sports titles have always had extravagant introductory sequences whereby all the participants battle it out and Mario Sports Mix is no different. The opening video can be enjoyed below.
In addition to this TheBitBlock has uploaded a number of videos showcasing the various sports available on the title. The videos also showcase some of the Final Fantasy characters that make an appearance in the game, as announced recently.
Mario Sports Mix is not due out until January 28th in Europe and February 4th in the UK but you can view more videos over at TheBitBlock.