Media: Max and the Magic Marker

Posted 20 May 2009 at 07:59 by guest
Max and the Magic Marker unveiled for Wiiware!
Puzzle platformers seem to be a natural fit on Nintendo consoles as of late and Max and the Magic Marker looks to continue that trend in spectacular style.
Coming from the Copenhagen-based indie studio Press Play, 'Max' looks to be shaping up very nicely indeed. (Further highlighted when you realise that the development team consists of 9 people with a bank-loan behind them.)
As the above media shows, Max looks to combine elements of Kirby's Canvas Curse, Crayon Physics and those retro 2D platformers that used to be all the rage back in the day. After enjoying titles such as Lostwinds, Soul Bubbles, Henry Hatsworth and Cocoto Platform Jumper here at N-E we will embrace any title that looks to test our grey matter on a 2D plane!
Max has yet to 'pencil in' a release date but as soon as details surface we'll be sure to put it in our diaries and let you know!
Will you be keeping an eye on Max? Let us know via your comments below!