Media: Metroid: Other M Screens

Posted 24 Feb 2010 at 17:52 by guest
We have no trailer for Metroid yet, but we have 15 new screenshots!
Metroid: Other M, set for release in USA on June 27 will mark a new direction for the series with a mix of both 2D and 3D gameplay, the ability to switch views at will (� la Super Paper Mario?) as well as a first person view like the one in the Prime series.
We'll probably get an European date very soon, so for now check out the 15 latest screens! The graphical style is a clear departure from Retro's take on Metroid and resembles the classic one from the old games with a hint of Team Ninja's usual "everything is shiny and smooth" (patent pending). What say you? Either way, stay close for our coverage of Nintendo's European conference and don't forget our tweets!

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