Media: Metroid Prime 3 Channel Videos

Posted 23 Aug 2007 at 18:54 by Tom Phillips
Exclusive: All the Metroid Prime 3 Preview Channel videos for you to download in High-Definition.
Nintendo has made a brand new Channel available to American Wii owners. Freely downloadable, the Metroid Prime 3 Preview Channel takes up 70 blocks and features trailers for the new title, as well as a short "uncover the picture" game.
Its also been announced that next week will see the American release of the original NES Metroid title on the Virtual Console, followed by the much anticipated SNES Super Metroid the week after.
With the release of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption now less than a fortnight away, it's good to see Nintendo cranking up this kind of marketing. It remains to be seen if Europe will get the same when the Prime trilogy concludes in (*sigh*) October. Its going to be a long couple of months.
We now have a video of the brand spanking new Metroid channel for the world to see (or maybe just Europe, considering we don't get it for a while yet). The video showcases the channel as it stands at present, a rather fancy looking background with two videos inside. Two more videos will be added on Monday, so look out for them to appear on this site then. To download the video and get the chance to look at the channel yourself just click on the image below.

Metroid Prime Preview Channel 1 - 5:15 - 46.4MB
And for anyone a little impatient who just can't wait for it to download we've provided a nice stream for you below.
Update 2:
We just got a video of the new trailers. These ones were released on the preview channel on August 13th. Check it out by using the download link below. We also learned that there will be two more videos released on August 16th. Stay tuned to N-Europe, because you can be sure we will have those up ASAP.
And once again for those in a bit of a hurry or unwilling to take up harddrive space here is a handy stream.
Update 3:
Continuing with the saga of videos, we bring you the latest 2 from the Metroid Prime 3 Preview Channel. Again, we also learn that there will be two more videos; these will be available on August 20th. Keep watching N-Europe, as you can be assured we will have the August 20th videos as soon as possible.
You know the drill by know I'm sure. Here's a stream for anyone who wants it.
Update 4:
It's August 20th, and that means two more videos are available from the Metroid Prime 3 Preview Channel. Today's videos are labeled Valhalla and Bowling; interesting indeed. As always, you can download the full resolution WMV video or wait a while for the Youtube Stream. It also appears that there will be two more videos released on August 23nd. Stay tuned to N-Europe as we'll continue to have the videos as soon as possible.
And here's the stream for those who need it.
Update 5:
Look at the calender people! It is August 23. You know what that means; new Metroid Videos have arrived. Today's videos are labelled "Dark Samus" and "Mine Battle". Download the full-resolution WMV of the video below. I would appear that these will be the last videos in the Preview Channel as there is no greyed out slots anymore; Nintendo may surprise us with a video on launch though. Metroid Prime 3 launches in the United states on August 27th, and it in Europe on October 26th.
And of course once again we give you a little stream for those who need it.