Media: Mini Ninjas For Wii And DS!

Posted 20 Jan 2009 at 09:50 by guest
The tiny assassins creep up from the shadows into DS and Wii. Check out screenshots for both versions and a trailer!
From the hands of Eidos' studio IO Interactive comes Mini Ninjas, an action game where you control Hiro (YATTA!), a vertically challenged Ninja that embarks on a quest to destroy the Evil Samurai Warlord and restore balance to the world!
Mini Ninjas was announced for DS, Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3, with no PS2 and PSP versions announced, so it's safe to assume from that and the lovely screenshots that the Wii version isn't a port from either of those.
Enough talk, a Ninja strikes silent and swiftly!

Small Ninja, big Wii screens.

Click for the DS screens.