Media: Muramasa: The Demon Blade Trailer

Posted 06 Feb 2009 at 10:52 by Aaron Clegg
Head inside for a new look at the gorgeous 2D slash 'em up that's just been dated in Japan!
Developed by Vanillaware - creators of critically acclaimed Odin Sphere - Muramasa: The Demon Blade is a Wii exclusive action game sporting some beautiful 2D visuals.
Set in the Genroku era of Japan, slice through scores of creatures from the netherworld summoned by the cursed Demon Blades. Check out some of the intense action (and gorgeous visuals) below.
Muramasa is being published in Japan by Marvelous Entertainment on April 9th. It will be releasing in the US and Europe under the banners of XSEED and Rising Star respectively.