Media: Mutant Mudds Trailer

Posted 23 Nov 2011 at 19:08 by Aaron Clegg
Renegade Kid's latest foray onto 3DS is an original eShop platformer...
Nintendo-loving indie dev Renegade Kid is finding its feet on 3DS, and the studio is already preparing its first self-published, downloadable title.
Mutant Mudds was originally envisaged as a 3D platformer - in the style of Super Mario Sunshine - for DSiWare. That project didn't really get going, so development was shifted to make the game a stylish, 2D platformer.
In a poetic twist of fate, it looks like the game will end up making use of 3D after all. Mutant Mudds has you playing on both foreground and background planes, making what Renegade Kid calls "amazing" use of the 3D screen.
Get a glimpse of the latest trailer below.
Mutant Mudds is due out on the eShop in the first quarter of next year.