Media: Naruto Clash Of The Ninja 3 Screens

Posted 28 May 2009 at 20:38 by guest
Naruto comes to the Wii a third time and this time he's all grown up. Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3 is coming and this time with an online mode! More inside!
While Japanese gamers have been playing their Naruto Wii games set post time-skip, the western market is lagging behind. Over here the Clash of the Ninja series has two GameCube games and two for Wii released so far with the latest one Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 featuring an original storyline not present in the manga or anime.

Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3 will be shown next week at E3 and TOMY revealed the game will have over 30 characters with their Shippuden looks and jutsu, 40 stages; 9 all-new, and plenty of modes: Story, covering the first Shippuden arc, Versus, Training, Kimute, Survival, Mission, and Cooperative Two-Man Squad, where you can tag in and out in co-op battles.

The way to a man's heart is through his broken ribs... at least that's what Sakura thinks.
The biggest change is obviously online support, something that even the Japanese versions don't have. Certainly more screens, videos and information will appear at E3, but for now check out this initial handfull...

Click on the images to enlarge them.
Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3 is set for a fall 09 release. Remember, no spoilers in the comments!