Big Bang Mini

Media: New Big Bang Mini Screens

We have 5 new screens filled with fireworks action from the upcoming Big Bang Mini for DS.

Defending a big city like New York against attackers is nothing new to video games. If said attackers are flying pigs or Chinese dragons, maybe things get a little more original. What if you're destroying your enemies with fireworks? That's Big Bang Mini for you. Using the touch screen you can launch fireworks and other weapons to destroy a variety of foes with stylized and colorful representations of real world locations like Hong Kong or New York.

Fresh off the press are 5 new screenshots for your viewing pleasure!

If you missed N-Europe's hands-on preview written by the talented Sam Gittins, be sure to read it here. Big Bang Mini is scheduled for release on the 13th of February in Europe and on the 20th of January in USA. Look forward to our review of the game.

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