Media: New Pokémon Black & White Trailer

Posted 27 Jun 2010 at 17:51 by Tom Phillips
More new Pokémon, plus three-on-three battles confirmed in this new trailer for Pokémon Black & White!
Japanese Pokéfans have only a few months left to wait until the latest duo of Pokémon titles launch. Heading for release this September 18th, a new trailer for the game has revealed yet more new critters, along with the addition of three-on-three battles.
Also new is the "Pokémon Global Link" option to allow for internet battling using a multiplayer avatar of your choosing:
While it's good to see plenty of new graphical effects being squeezed out of the DS, it's still a bit of a mystery to us why Nintendo are intent on rushing out a fifth generation of Pokémon games on a handheld platform that will soon become last-gen tech. Surely it would be better to wait six months and make it look even better on the 3DS?
Perhaps not from Nintendo's financial viewpoint anyway, since the inevitable 3DS generation of games will surely be an even bigger draw a few years down the line, and something to look forward to after the initial 3DS wave of software has launched.
Pokémon Black & White hit European shop shelves early next year.