Media: No More Heroes Screenshots

Check out these new screenshots showing off a boss battle from No More Heroes...

Suda's Wii project No More Heroes is shaping up to be a stunning game.

This new batch of screenshots demonstrated one of the "boss battles" in the game - a fight with Holly Summers, an assassin ranked at number 6 on the UAA List of top assassins. The primary aim of the main character, Travis Touchdown, is to work his way to the number 1 spot by killing everyone above him - he starts off at number 12.

The HUD seems rather cluttered, although that may change as development progresses. The battle system uses both swipes with your Beam Katana and wrestling moves, and makes use of the Wii Remote and Nunchuck. Your Beam Katana only has so much juice, though - it slowly recharges and you can also shake the power up yourself when you need it the most.

Check out the screenshots below:

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