Media: Official Mega Man 9 Trailer

Posted 11 Jul 2008 at 14:19 by guest
Capcom unveil more of Mega Man 9 with a pixel-tastic trailer!
Capcom have finally revealed a lengthy trailer for their upcoming Wiiware title Mega Man 9. And as we have seen from previous reports, Mega Man 9 sports retro 8-bit graphics, therefore Mega Man 9 looks and sounds like a 1980's NES game. Yet with more than twenty years of tweaking, we are expecting this "back to his roots" idea to really pay off.
Note that as the trailer ends, logo's for other consoles can be seen. Initially slated as a Wiiware exclusive, does this mean the title will launch across all three major consoles, or will the Wiiware version come first?
As ever, keep your eyes on N-Europe for any Mega Man or Wiiware developments.