Media: Okamiden Trailer Out!

Posted 08 Sep 2009 at 08:48 by guest
The first trailer for the recently announced new Okami for DS is out. Watch and awe!
The announcement of Okamiden for DS took some people off guard, but it was definitely a great surprise, specially if you love puppies like Cammy. Okamiden sports an impressive 3D engine and the same art style and celestial brush that made the original game famous.
Instead of reading a boring description, just check out the trailer:
Okamiden takes place a few months after the end of the first game and you control a pup, so far being called Chibiterasu. You will partner with various characters including Susano's son that will both help you and present you with obstacles.
Motohide Eshiro, who worked on Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations and Onimusha 2 is the game's producer, while the director is Kuniomi Matsushita, director of the PS2 version of Resident Evil 4. Matsuhita hopes the new portable format will draw in a bigger crowd.
Capcom seems to being going all out with this game and we'll keep you posted. Be sure to leave your comments below!