Media: Pac-Man Tilt & Galaga Dimensions Trailers

Posted 12 May 2011 at 05:02 by Ashley Jones
A compilation of trailers for Namco Bandai's tilt-based two pack has been released.
Namco Bandai is readying the launch of Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions for the 3DS. The title will allow gamers to play the classic franchises but with a difference that takes advantage of the console's functions. Pac-Man Tilt is a side-scrolling action game in which gamers must move the 3DS to move Pac-Man while Galaga 3D Impact is a 3D on-the-rails shooter that requires you to move your 3DS to aim.
A compliation of trailers for the double pack can be viewed below to give you a better impression of what to expect when the title is released later this year.