Media: Reggie Preparing For 3DS Event

Posted 18 Jan 2011 at 22:16 by Ashley Jones
Fans are always curious about what Reggie is doing at all times and thanks to Twitter we know what he's up to right now.
As technical staff prepare the presentation, Nintendo executives rehearse their scripts and journalists retire early for their morning flights Reggie has given gamers an insight into the process of preparing for a big event.
Tomorrow will give European and American gamers the answers they have been looking for as details about the 3DS will finally be released. We will keep you updated on both during the day, particularly the European one as we will be present, but for now Reggie has teased American fans about what to expect.
Be sure to stay tuned to N-Europe and our Twitter tomorrow as Nathan and Ashley will be in Amsterdam covering the event while our news team will be keeping you updated with all the developments.