Media: Revelations Raid Mode Gameplay

Posted 20 Dec 2011 at 10:20 by Joshua Phillips
Capcom have released an hour long gameplay video of Revelation's Raid mode.
Capcom have released a hefty hour long gameplay video of the all new Raid Mode from the 3DS game, Resident Evil: Revelations.
For those of you that don't know, Raid Mode is the new co-op option which sees you teaming up with another player in a 'Mercenaries-style' manner blasting zombies into the next dimension.
In this video Capcom show off "various levels, playable characters and how custom parts are unlocked". The 'custom parts' in question seem to play quite a big part in Raid Mode, "Said custom parts give your weapons all kinds of extra capabilities, be it stun power, increased range or rapid fire, so replaying levels for more item drops is key."
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What do you make of the footage and will you be teaming up with any N-E members to blast away zombie scum? Why don't you, the master of commenting, leave a comment below.