Media: Smackdown vs Raw 2011 Screens

Posted 25 Sep 2010 at 09:46 by guest
THQ's 2011 update of the Sports Entertainment Saop Oprea that is the WWE is on the horizon and we've got some screens of the Wii version inside...
As we roll down to the end of the calender year the annual yearly updates of sports titles begins to roll out. THQ's WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011 will be hitting store shelves on October 29th for Wii and all other home consoles.
New this year is the WWE Universe mode which replaces the Career Mode from previous editions. WWE Universe promises the player a new dynamic experience, tracking your playing habits and automactically generating a customised WWE world for you to enjoy.
We've added 10 screen shots of the Wii version to the gallery, to see them all click on the one you see below