Media: Sonic 4: Episode 2 Trailer

Posted 29 Dec 2011 at 21:58 by Aaron Clegg
The first teaser trailer has plenty of Tails, but no sign of WiiWare...
As planned, Sega today revealed the first teaser trailer for the next downloadable episode of Sonic the Hedgehog 4.
The trailer was released in a video interview conducted between GameSpot and Sega's Ken Balough. Episode 2 was confirmed to have a new physics engine, a new graphics engine, and playability of a certain secondary character.
Despite its prequel, there is intriguingly no sign of WiiWare support at the end of the trailer. However, with the game not out until 2012, it is certainly possible that the game will get a release on Wii U's still-secretive online service. Arguably only a fool would bet against it, anyway.