Media: Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll Trailer

Posted 23 Sep 2009 at 19:04 by guest
Sega lift the curtain on their debut trailer for Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll on Wii.
The monkeys return on the Wii in 2010 with another entry in the somewhat deteriorating Super Monkey Ball series. The trailer illustrates some familiar gameplay along with a few minigames that suggest inspiration has been taken from the skydiving event in Wii Sports Resort . In addition, Monkey Race makes a return along with what will no doubt be a vast selection of minigames for the family to enjoy with the Balance Board.
The latest game in the Super Monkey Ball series also appears to share a similar graphical style to that of Banana Blitz, the previous outing for Ai-Ai and the gang on Wii.
With recent entries seeming to rely more heavily on luck and gimmicks rather than skill, a return to form for the Super Monkey Ball series would be very welcome.
Hopefully Step & Roll will help rejuvenate the monkey mayhem! Expect more updates from N-Europe in the months ahead.