Media: Tales of Graces Trailer!

Posted 10 Apr 2009 at 06:50 by Aaron Clegg
Lots of Japanese, but it's still gorgeous. Head inside to marvel at the next mothership Tales game...
Heading exclusively to Wii, Tales of Graces is the next 'mothership' title in the popular Tales series.
Graces puts players in the shows of 18 year-old Aspel, and will tackle themes of loss and protection. The game is set to release in Japan this Winter.
N-Europe has also learned that publisher Namco Bandai is set to open their own distribution base in Europe, which reconfirms plans to finally locaslise Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World in the second half of 2009, as well as Wii's One Piece: Unlimited Cruise. This also bodes well for future Tales titles, of course.
Thanks to marcel on the forums!