Media: Time Travelers Trailer (Off-Screen)

Posted 19 Oct 2010 at 17:26 by Aaron Clegg
Long ago rumoured to be for 3DS... now we can confirm it!
Teased some months ago, Level-5 has officially pulled back the curtain on Time Travelers - an ambitiously large-scale mystery game destined for 3DS.
Time Travelers bills itself as a "time travel suspense" game, and seems to be heavily story-driven and promises to feature a grand-scaled world. Story snippets on offer so far confirm two characters: the main heroine Mikoto Shinmichi and a terrorist name Skeleton, both of whom 'know' the future.
Apologies for the low-quality of the trailer, but hopefully it gets across how lovely the in-game engine looks.
As announced earlier in the year, Time Travelers is being directed by Jiro Ishii (428: Fūsa Sareta Shibuya de) and produced by Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino.
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