Media: Two New Goldeneye: 007 Videos

Posted 31 Aug 2010 at 02:07 by Ashley Jones
Goldeneye: 007 will be hitting European shores in just over two months but to keep you entertained for now we have two new behind the scenes videos.
Activision have recently announced the European release date for the re-imagined Wii exclusive Goldeneye: 007. The eagerly anticipated title will be hitting European shelves on November 5th, just a few days after the American release. While this is just over two months away we're sure you're all excited about the title and curious to know more.
The video above, courtesy of IGN, features some of the team from the game talking about how the title plays, how it looks and what players can expect.
In the video they discuss how immersive Goldeneye: 007 is as it allows players to take on the role of the world's most well-known British spy. Additionally they discuss the lengths they went to in order to ensure the game is authentic, recruiting numerous people who have worked on the original movie. As well as this the types of levels that will be featured and the enemies' AI are also discussed.
In this video, courtesy of GameTrailers, the associate producer is interviewed and discusses the newly redesigned jungle level. He discusses not only the variety of options players have in working their way through the mission, either tactically or all guns blazing, but also the multiplayer options within the game.
A new multiplayer modifier was also discussed called 'Move Your Feet'. In this mode if players stand still for more than three seconds they instantly die, ensuring that people don't 'camp' and it keeps the action flowing. 'Revenge' mode was also outlined, which respawns players with existing damage to try and even the playing field for experience and novice players. Players will be able to use multiple modifiers, allowing for over 200 different permeations in total.