Media: US Nostalgia Launch Trailer

Posted 23 Oct 2009 at 12:52 by Aaron Clegg
The DS's spiritual cousin to Skies of Arcadia releases in America next week! Check out the celebratory launch trailer inside...
A Japanese-developed RPG with a focus on global exploration and a tendency for crazy airship battles? It probably sounds familiar to anyone who's played Skies of Arcadia, but we've still be shouting from the rooftops about Nostalgia for
Developed by Matrix Software - who have previously collaborated with Square Enix on major DS RPGs Final Fantasy III and IV - Nostalgia looks set to take players on an epic journey in a steampunk Earth. Fusing standard turn-based combat with intense air-to-air skirmishes, the game may just plug the hole left by Sega's reluctance to develop a true sequel to Skies of Arcadia.
A European release is not planned at the moment, but hopefully a publisher picks Nostalgia up for us soon enough.